2023 Outstanding Professionals of the Year Awardees

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Accountancy, his exemplary service in his profession such as promotion of good corporate governance, enhancing financial reporting rules, strengthening audit quality and transparency, engagement in international organizations, and support of the accounting profession shows his commitment and professionalism in his field. His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as the Award of Excellence: Top 100 CPAs of the Century, recipient of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), recipient of the 3G Advocacy and Commitment to Corporate Governance Award and 3G Transparency Award, and from various reputable organizations such as the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountant (PICPA), Asia CEO Awards, Cambridge International Financial Advisory, as well as his participation in various socio-related activities in partnership with the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, Rotary International, and USAID.
As a member of PICPA, he represents the profession by encouraging active participation in professional organizations, fostering collaboration to adopt best practices, sharing knowledge as a resource speaker, and revitalizing the local chapter, through his relentless dedication to the organization is a testament to his outstanding career.

Congressman Rolando “Rolan” M. Valeriano, representative of the Second District of Manila, is a certified Batang Tondo, and a product of the Manila public school system and PMI Colleges in Manila, where he obtained his degree of Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration. He is licensed and was a long-time practicing customs broker aside from his prior executive positions and interests in the industries of realty, transport, manufacturing, and food. He established his own customs brokerage, shipping, and transport agency and had been prominent in the “Aduana” circle for the practice of his profession. He had multinational companies for clients, from petroleum, garments, construction, and transport, among several other industries, for their importations and related requirements.
Rolan was also a four-term councilor of the Manila Sanggunian. He was twice elected overall number 1 councilor with the highest mandate in the entire city of Manila. As the Majority Floor Leader of the City Council from 2017 to 2019, he presided over the passage of ordinances that made Manila business-friendly. Currently, in his second term as Congressman of the 2nd District of Manila and as the Chairman of the House Committee on Metro Manila Development (MMD), his actions and initiatives are geared towards the creation and implementation of policies and programs to promote and enhance the development of the Metro Manila area.
As a lawmaker, he pushed for the agenda of his brethren in the Customs Brokerage profession. He presided as MMD Chairman over Congressional inquiries regarding port congestion raised by the Practicing Customs Brokers Association of the Philippines, Inc. His committee likewise sought to address the alleged exorbitant charges being imposed by international shipping lines operating in the country.
Rolan continues to be an active member of the Chamber of Customs Brokers. He attends its gatherings to take the opportunity to know how, as a member of Congress, he can assist in the advancement of the profession. He was recently awarded by the Philippine Federation of Professional Associations (PFPA) for Excellence and Distinction.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Guidance and Counseling, his exemplary service in his profession such as establishing & co-founding “BUSWAK Inter Core Group,” – a network of pastoral counselors for parishes, dioceses, archdioceses, and NGOs in the Philippines; establishing & founding “TAHAS” – the counseling arm for the Archdiocese of Cebu; developing seminar workshops in Cebuano language, both for curative (counseling) and preventive (enrichment programs), co-developer of the “Basic Counseling for the Poor” and “Advanced Counseling for the Poor,” as well as the 2-week Family Dynamics and Counseling Seminar-Workshop for RMT – Center for Family Ministries of Ateneo de Manila University, and developed the curriculum for straight Ph.D. in Formative Counseling & Spiritual Accompaniment inclusive of the different course syllabi, for De La Salle University shows his commitment and professionalism in his field.
His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as several citation awards from the Philippine Guidance & Counseling Association (the accredited integrated guidance and counseling association in the Philippines) as Chair of the Ethics Committee, Board of Director, Lifetime Membership, among others; recognition as Co-Founder of BUSWAK Inter-Core Group Formation and for the externally-funded project from De La Salle University, Service award from Loyola School of Theology, Ateneo de Manila University, and others.
As a member of the Philippine Guidance & Counseling Association; Faculty and Counselor for the Center for Family Ministries (RMT-CeFaM) of Ateneo de Manila University, Department of Theology & Religious Education of De La Salle University, Maryhill School of Theology, Miriam College Graduate School; St. Arnoldus Center for Integral Development (SACID); and counselor at the National Center for Mental Health-Wellness Center of the Department of Health, his relentless dedication to the organization/s is a testament of his outstanding career.

Serving for more than two decades in the library and information science field of endeavor, this public servant, professional teacher, and librarian specializes in public librarianship, with an interest in project management. She has a dual master’s degree with a specialization in Library Science and Project Development Management gained from the Philippine Normal University (PNU) in 2007 and the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) in 2015, respectively. In 2018, she earned her Doctor of Education Major in Industrial Education Management at the Technological University of the Philippines (TUP) and was a recipient of a scholarship grant from the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) on information literacy at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand.
While working and studying at the National Library of the Philippines (NLP), she chaired several projects, both international and national projects from the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA), The Asia Foundation (TAF), and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) grants. She was one of the Innovators of the International Network of Emerging Library Innovators, conceptualized by the Global Libraries and funded by the BMGF. Rightafter, she became the project director of the 3-year international leadership project of NLP in the ASEAN region which is the International Network of Emerging Library Innovators – Association of Southeast Asian Nations (INELI-ASEAN), and became the first president of ASEAN Public Libraries Information Network (APLiN). She also became the idea originator and team leader of the Network of Emerging Filipino Library Innovators (NEFLI) Cohorts 1 and 2. NEFLI was one of the finalists among the 39 Government Best Practice Recognition (GBPR) competitors in 2021 implemented by the DAP. Batch 3 of such leadership training will resume, once the 2023 projects worth 26.2M conclude – Project Library Affiliation and Library Resources (LARA), Exploratory Study on the Creation of an Indigenous Public Library, Training Series on Delivering Quality Public Library Service: the Basics, and Empowering Public Libraries through NLP Programs and Services.
Advocating these projects in the succeeding years as regular programs and services of the Division as their outputs/outcomes have been outstanding. The leadership program taught public library personnel to have self-assessment, come up with self-development plans, conduct and implement collaborative projects, and visit innovative libraries that are all contributing to public libraries’ programs and services today.
Under her helm as Public Libraries Division Chief of NLP, she has provided technical assistance to numerous public libraries/local government units in 51 provinces in the country, specifically more than a hundred public libraries monitored and inspected and provided inputs for their further development, 342 public libraries established/affiliated with NLP, and thousands of librarians and public library personnel were trained, and several training, seminars, and similar activities were designed and undertaken. All these ideas, initiatives, and continuous improvements of the Division’s products and services were gained by attending training and seminars onsite and offsite, and benchmark libraries in the ASEAN except Cambodia and Laos, Poland, Austria, Greece, The Netherlands, Germany, New Zealand, USA, and South Korea, among others.
Outside work hours, she extends her time for the consultations and guidance of public libraries, is an active member of national library associations, and has chaired several committees in NLP, LIS Month in 2019, NBW in 2020, etc. Some of her initiatives are the Philippine Public Libraries Leadership Conversations which consists of 5 committees to work on the public library as an indicator of the Seal of Good Local Governance and Plantilla positions in public libraries, amendments of RA 7743, An Act Providing for the Establishment of Congressional, City and Municipal Libraries and Barangay Reading Centers Throughout the Philippines, and Appropriating the Necessary Funds Therefor and Other Purposes, competencies of public librarians, revision of the Standards for Philippine Public Libraries, and departmentalization of public libraries; pioneered the webinars and online learning for public library personnel.
Recently, the 5th Gawad Pampublikong Aklatan (GPA) which is one of her brainchildren was able to confer awards and recognition to 171 deserving public librarians/OICs, and public libraries in the country since its inception in 2019. The GPA had a great impact on the recipients of the awards – some were promoted, some were given a bigger library space and/or a new building, provided a service vehicle for more promotions of the library programs, and some were being noticed by their local chief executives and administrators and were given more budget to implement their plans, programs, and activities (PPAs). The ripple effect is evident that is beneficial to the community members as recipients of the library’s PPAs.
She is a recipient of various awards in NLP and outside the organization. After just five years of working at the NLP, she received a Model Employee Award. Furthermore, she was also part of the agency’s research about public libraries, such as the Status of Philippine Public Libraries and Librarianship in 2018 and An Assessment of the Status of Public Libraries in Luzon in 2021.
With all of these, she finds her work gratifying, fulfilling, and satisfying as it has an impact nationwide, and she works at the grassroots level. At the moment, there are 1,653 public libraries affiliated with the NLP.
At present, she is one of the ExeCon Members of the NCCA – National Committee on Libraries and Information Services.

For her distinguished contribution in the field of Education, her exemplary service in her profession as a Professional Teacher shows her commitment and professionalism in her field.
Dr. Espique sufficiently demonstrated professional competence of the highest degree as proven by consistently being an honor student from the elementary level up to the graduate school level. After taking up her Ph.D. degree, she took post-graduate studies on distance education supported by other relevant trainings to help schools at the basic and higher education levels innovate on providing open and distance learning programs. Indeed, she was invited by a lot of learning institutions including CHED and DepEd to prepare schools and train teachers in the delivery of flexible learning modalities during the pandemic. Her dedication and commitment as a professional teacher and educator facilitated her appointments from being a former Department Head for Teacher Education, Dean of the School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts, and now the current Vice President for Academic Affairs of Saint Louis University.
Her contributions in selflessly providing her expertise and services led to her appointment in January 2021 by the Office of the President of the Philippines as the Luzon Representative of the Teacher Education Council (TEC). As a member of the council, she has significantly contributed to the crafting and dissemination of the IRR of RA 11713 aside from working with the Council’s other projects. She too is currently helping CHED as a Technical Panel for Teacher Education (TPTE), as a member of the National Review Committee on CHED-Funded Internationalization Programs, and as CHED-Institutional Sustainability Assessment (ISA) assessor. In support of PRC’s programs, she serves as one of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Monitors and is also the lead coordinator of SLU as CPD Provider. As CPD provider coordinator, she initiated and implemented a lot of trainings for teachers attended by teachers and educators in the country and abroad.
Dr. Espique’s active involvement in various educational fora facilitated her election as the President of the Philippine Association for Teachers and Educators (PAFTE) in June 2020. As the Association’s president, one of the commendable programs she initiated is the FREE webinars for all newly licensed professional teachers that are being conducted every Saturday. This started in July 2023. She too actively participates as a member and a resource person of other professional organizations like the Philippine Association for Graduate Education (PAGE) and the Philippine Association for Language Teaching (PALT).
Dr. Espique also serves as ISO Internal Quality Auditor and PAASCU accreditor. These roles are rendered for free as this aims to help the learning institutions to work on continuous quality improvement.
In the advancement of research and innovation, Dr. Espique significantly contributed to its advancement as she has Scopus-indexed publications and peer-reviewed articles cited by other researchers. Moreover, she has authored learning resources such as textbooks and review materials that are being used in various teacher education institutions (TEIs) and review centers. She too serves as the managing editor of the PAFTE Journal of Education and a member of the Editorial Board of various education journals.
Internationally, Dr. Espique contributed to the SEAMEO SEA-TEACHER and SEA-TVET projects in leading and helping other TEIs to participate in the student and faculty exchange with ASEAN countries like Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam. These projects started in 2015. As university project coordinator of the Erasmus Project on Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions (ANTENA), Dr. Espique significantly contributed to the development of the International Relations Office Management Guide for Philippine HEIs. This management guide was shared with other institutions to help them start or boost their internationalization programs. Dr. Espique was also chosen by UNESCO in partnership Okoyama University as Luzon’s representative for the international project on “Promoting Teacher Education for Climate Change Education through Collaboration between Asian Centres of Excellence on Education for Sustainable Development (ATECCE)”. These international long-term projects benefited not only the Philippines but even other concerned countries.
Dr. Espique’s contributions were also recognized through the following awards and recognitions: 1.) Presidential Awards for Excellence in Research and Academic Achievement Award from the Gawad San Luis of Saint Louis University, 2.) Gawad for Teachers and Educators during the PAFTE 50th Anniversary, and 3.) Outstanding Alumni Award of the University of Baguio.
Dr. Espique has significantly contributed as well to to the effective discharge of the profession’s social responsibility through actively leading and participating in various socio-related activities by helping the Institute of Inclusive Education, now the Inclusive Education Resource Center in the planning, development, and distribution of the learning resource materials for children with special learning needs who are enrolled in the Department of Education. Dr. Espique has been organizing trainings and other activities to raise funds to produce the brailed materials needed by students with visual impairment. To help enhance the reading literacy level of the learners, she has been partnering with funding agencies to help the public schools in the production of decodable and leveled books for the Kalanguya Learning Communities, Through the assistance of the USAID, SIL, and USJR, more than 100 decodable and levelled books were developed with the DepEd teachers, and these were turned-over to DEP-ED CAR for its usage. To further promote the Kalanguya culture and language, Dr. Espique also led a research project with the Komisyon ng Wikang Filipino (KWF). This research project is entitled, “Lingguwistikong Etnograpiya ng Filipinas – Wikang Kalanguya”.
At the time of the pandemic, many students in public schools had difficulty coping with the remote learning modalities. This prompted CHED-CAR to tap Dr. Espique as a lead resource person in the crafting of the PROJECT REACH (Realizing Educational Aims through Community-Based and Home Schooling) in partnership with DEPED, DOH, and the DILG. A joint Memorandum of Agreement was signed and implemented through this project.

For her distinguished contribution in the field of Psychology, her exemplary service in her profession as a Full Professor from the Department of Psychology of DLSU, practicing Registered Psychologist, and active researcher entails that she was able to successfully strike a balance between teaching, mentoring, doing research, and engaging in clinical practice and consultancy work. An expert in the field of psychological assessment, she continues to hone her skills and shares evidence-based practice of assessment with students and practitioners in the country, showing her commitment and professionalism in her field.
Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned her various awards and recognition such as capping her decades long commitment to the practice of Psychology is her involvement in caring for the community during the time of the pandemic. Dr. Tarroja spearheaded the TLC or Telepsychology for the Lasallian Community and gave over 30 free or reduced-pay webinars and remote counseling services. She has mentored countless Psychology graduates who are now also successfully contributing to the field of Philippine Psychology through research and practice.
As a member of Dr. Tarroja is also the leading researcher in the country on the topic of Online Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children, which reflects her passion for conducting research on caring for Filipino youth in various circumstances. The National Study on OSAEC, a collaborative project of UNICEF, DSWD, DLSU-SDRC was led by Dr. Tarroja, which was used in crafting the Anti-OSAEC law. Her relentless dedication to the organization/s is a testament to her outstanding career.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Real Estate Service, his exemplary service to his profession are: initiating the creation of the first post-baccalaureate Diploma program in Real Estate Management between DLSU-CSB SPaCE and CREBA under the leadership of Florentino Dulalia, Jr.; actively endorsing the promulgation of a Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) as drafted by Domingo De Vera and modeled after the standards of practice of the US Appraisal Institute through exposure seminars for appraisal practitioners when he headed the Philippine Association of Realty Appraisers (PARA); cooperating with the initiative of creating a uniform standard of practice for real estate consultancy when he headed the Institute of Philippine Real Estate Consultants (IPREC); lobbying in 2005, as head of the Philippine Association of Realtors Boards, Inc. (PAREB), for the endorsement of a counterpart senate bill to House Bill No. 3185 seeking to professionalize real estate service practice first filed by Rodolfo Valencia in 1987 during the 8th Congress which bore fruit in 2007 when Senator Rodolfo Biazon filed SB No. 1644 during the First Regular Session of the Fourteenth Congress, together with Senator Trillanes’ SB No. 1656 and Senator Santiago’s SB No. 1298, and were substituted in 2008 for Senate Bill No. 2963 taking into account House Bill No. 3514 during the Second Regular Session of the Fourteenth Congress and brought to fruition the passing of RESA law in 2009; renewing and strengthening network linkages with counterpart organizations in other countries and in 2005 sat down for the creation of a proposed ASEAN Realtor's alliance; enabling the real estate organizations he headed to acquire the offices they are currently owning; representing the country in international real estate conferences speaking on the Philippine’s property market; sitting as juror in international real estate property awards; serving as a member of the Realty Service Council of the Philippines (RESCOP); serving as an Examiner for the licensure examination for real estate consultancy; advocating for investments towards regional development; and contributing to nation building by providing mass housing and socialized housing units in his housing development projects in Bulacan in order to help address the housing backlog of the country.
His competence, excellence, and commendable track record in the real estate service profession and real estate industry have earned him various awards and recognition, the latest having been conferred the nomenclature DIPLOMATE in Real Estate Management by the Philippine Chapter of FIABCI (The International Real Estate Federation) “in recognition of his long years of committed dedication and service, outstanding support and significant contribution to the growth and development of the Philippine real estate industry.”
He lives by the ideals his alma mater has inculcated in him: Husay at Dangal, Giting at Tapang, Para sa Bayan! Luceat Lux!

For her distinguished contribution in the field of Social Workers, and exemplary service in her profession such as blending Social Work and Law by representing her clients to hearing as lawyer in pro bono cases for Indigenous People in the Province of Benguet and extending individual/family counseling as social worker. Her holistic approach touched the lives of her diverse clients, from children to the elderly shows her commitment and professionalism in her field.
Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned her various awards and recognition such as being one of the Outstanding Social Workers of the Philippines in the year 2003 awarded by the Philippine Association of Social Workers, Inc. (PASWI). She was acknowledged and given appreciation and recognition for countless and wholehearted cooperation with the Regional Federation of Senior Citizens and DSWD-CAR in making the 1996 Senior Citizen Week Celebration a success.
In 2010, she received a certificate of appreciation for unselfishly sharing resources in championing the cause of Filipino Children by Bantay Bata 163 of the ABS-CBN Lingkod Kapamilya Foundation. She was also given a certificate of appreciation for her donations to the affected families of Atok, Benguet during typhoon Paeng. In 2021, she was awarded a Plaque of Recognition for her unending free assistance to suspects arrested by the police and are willing to execute waivers per Art. 25 of the Revised Penal Code.
As a member of the Philippine Association of Social Workers, Inc., her relentless dedication to the organization/s is a testament to her outstanding career.

For her distinguished contribution in the field of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (ABE), her exemplary service in her profession as an academician and a prolific, and multi-awarded researcher-leader for more than 33 years. Many of her works garnered awards from national and international scientific fora, and most of her policy research outputs were adopted and implemented by the government to uplift the lives of Filipino farmers and fisherfolks.
Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned her various awards and recognition such as the PSAE Outstanding Agricultural Engineer (Engineering Education) in 2010; UP SAGES Wisemen Awardee (Research Category) in 2016; CEAT-UPLB awards as Outstanding Senior Faculty in Teaching in 2017, Outstanding Researcher in 2019, and Outstanding Research Team Leader in 2020. A conferred UP SCIENTIST II for 2020-2022 and a One UP Professorial Chair Awardee for three 3 consecutive cycles from 2016 to 2024. She was the 2022 PSABE Most Outstanding Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer (Maramba Award); the 2023 PTC Distinction Awardee for Academic Research and Development and the 2023 UP Association of Engineers National Achievement in Agricultural and Biosystems Education Awardee.
As a member of the Philippine Society of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers (PSABE), Philippine Association of Engineering Schools (PAES), ASEAN Universities Consortium on Food and Agro-based Engineering and Technology Education (AUCFA), International Soil Tillage Research Organization (ISTRO), Soil & Water Conservation Society (SWCS), Gamma Sigma Delta Honor Society of Agriculture (GSDHSA), CEAT Alumni Association (CEAT-AA) and UP Association of Engineers (UPAE), her relentless dedication to the different organizations is a testament of her outstanding career.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Chemical Engineering, exceptional leadership, and innovation in the use of nanotechnology, as well as his vision in linking chemical engineering theories and principles via the country’s Nanotechnology Research and Development Facility. His numerous nanotechnology products and innovations have helped empower farmers, fishermen, and other constituents by addressing agri-fisheries problems in the country and/or improving people’s lives by sustaining the country’s development goals.
His expertise, proficiency, and remarkable track record have garnered him several honors for his accomplishments and dedication in the field of chemical engineering research and development in pursuit of perfection in the practice of the chemical engineering profession.
His persistent dedication and the remarkable services he provides to the Chemical Engineering Professional Organization/s highlight his illustrious career. His persistent work and incredible achievement resulted in building a long-term service endeavor that addresses specific community needs.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Civil Engineering, and exemplary experience as one of the founding members and past President of Quadruple A, Triple ISO-certified construction firm DATEM, Inc.
As one of the pillars of the company, with his leadership and expertise, he has spearheaded the construction of several multi-awarded Green Building projects, high-rise developments, recreational destinations, and residential projects across the country.
His competence, excellence, and commendable track record earned the company and its projects various awards and recognitions, such as the International Federation of Asian and Western Pacific Contractors Association (IFAWPCA) Builders Award 2006 for the Greenbelt Redevelopment Project, the 44th National Industrial Safety Convention Award of Excellence for One Rockwell Project, and the Prime Mover 2012 distinction from Habitat for Humanity.
His past and present memberships with several organizations, such as the Philippine Constructors Association, Construction Safety Foundation, Inc. Philippine-Cambodia Business Council, Philippine Institute of Civil Engineer (EMMC and Quezon City Chapters), IFAWPCA, Construction Manpower Development Foundation, Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Association of Carriers and Equipment Lessors, Inc., have proven his relentless dedication in the advancement of the construction industry and have contributed to his outstanding career in construction.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Electrical Engineering – Construction & Project Management, his exemplary service in his profession such as 1st ever Electrical Contractor to do the electrical installation of a 54-storey office/residential Condominium (The One San Miguel), and electrical installation of Capitol Medical Center ANNEX in QC, for Semiconductor firms AMI Phil. And ANALOG DEVICES, institutional buildings in Ateneo De Manila, University of Asia & the Pacific, School of the Holy Spirit, QC, numerous buildings and condos for CITILAND DEV. CORP., ASB REALTY, MEGAWorld Properties, and Industrial projects like EMPERADOR Brandy Distillery, Manila Bulletin Publishing, NISSAN Bus Plant, among other shows his commitment and professionalism in his field.
His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as IIEE Most Outstanding Electrical Engineer 2010; Outstanding THOMASIAN Professional Awardee (from UST) 2020; Three (3)-time Nominee for PRC-OPY in 2019, 2020 & 2023; Outstanding Bosconian Alumnus (Don Bosco Technical College) 2011; Fellow – IIEE 2015; ACPE and ASEAN Engineer 2016.
As a member of 1st ever Chairman of IIEE Audit Committee 2021; member of IIEE College of Fellows Com (2018-present), Specialty Committee (2019-present); Vice-Chair of Electrical Safety Committee (2013-2017, 2020, Adviser 2022); Convenor PEC1-IEC Com (2019-2020); Vice Chair BPS TC-77, IEC member TC 64; Philippine delegate to the IEC – Sydney Conference 2018 & IEC-TW43 Conference in Nov. 2022, Tagaytay; Speaker at various conferences i.e.: BFP Convention; SOPI Conventions; IIEE ANC; UST Engineering Graduates 2018, etc., and various IIEE Regions/Chapters: Charter Founding Member of Rotary Club of Neopolitan San Juan; Member Knights of Columbus Fraternal Assoc. KCFAPI, his relentless dedication to the organization/s is a testament to his outstanding career.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Electronics Engineering specializing in Telecommunications, outstanding works, and notable role not only to the Filipino community but also across ASEAN countries and on youth development, and became a catalyst of social transformation. His exemplary services in his profession such as providing free technical webinars and training, evangelizing digital transformation & adoption of new technologies, bringing connectivity solutions to support students’ Online Learning and help them achieve their goals, and contributing to the advancement of the profession shows his commitment and professionalism in his field.
His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as being the 1st recipient of the ASEAN Outstanding Young Engineers Award 2022, ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award 2017, International SingTel Group Center for Excellence Award Project of the Year 2016, etc. His passion and drive to continuously extend a helping hand, especially during disasters had amplified others to be inspired and do community volunteerism utilizing technology to address challenges.
As a member of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (IECEP), his relentless dedication to the organization/s is a testament to his outstanding career.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Geodetic Engineering, and exemplary service in his profession such as current General Manager of R.C. Tollo Surveying Services, RNT Construction Supply, Nathan’s Rice Buying Station, and SMART Geo Surveying & Geomatics; Authorized Managing Officer of R.C. Tollo Construction, Inc.; President/Chief Executive Officer of EARTHNAV Trading Corporation; and Chairman of the Board of ZHOUMATO Technology Manufacturing Corporation. Formerly, he was the Geodetic Engineer of Makati Development Corporation, Chief of Party of Dela Alas Surveying & Consultancy, Geodetic Engineer of Solar Surveying Corporation; Assistant Chief of Party of the Dela Alas Surveying & Consultancy Services, and Instrument man at National Irrigation Administration. These show his commitment and professionalism in his field.
His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognitions from the Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. at the National, NCR, and SLAA Levels. These are Most Outstanding Geodetic Engineer in Private Practice in June 2022; Leadership Excellence Award – National President in June 2018, Presidential Award Vice President for South Luzon Area & National Treasurer in May 2016; and Presidential Award – Treasurer in May 2015, just to name a few.
As an official of the Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines, Inc., a conferred ASEAN Engineer last 2015, a Captain Technical & Administrative Service Brigade – GHQ Camp Aguinaldo of the Armed Forces of the Philippines Reserved Command from 2004 to present, a Board of Trustee of the Philippine Technological Council from 2017-2018, the Home Owner’s Vice President Sacred Heart Village Q.C from 2013-2015, a Rotary Club Member-North Triangle Quezon City from 2013 to present; an active member of ASEAN Federation of Land Surveying and Geomatics, Philippine Aggrupation of Geodetic Engineers Consultant (PAGEC), Society of Philippine Accredited Consultants (SPAC), Council of Engineering Consultants of the Philippines-CECOPHIL, Confederation of Filipino Consulting Organizations, Inc.-(COFILCO); and the President of Mediacom Philippines Inc. from 2002-2004, his relentless dedication to the organization/s is a testament to his outstanding career.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Mechanical Engineering, his exemplary service in his profession such as National President of PSME in 2003, PSME Member Host Chapter President in 2017, Chairman of the ME Department of TIP from April 1983 to June 1987, and Adamson University from 1992 – 2005, Vice Dean, AdU from June 2005 – April 2009, Dean of the College of Engineering of LPU-C from April 2009 to June 2020 and Executive Director for Academic Affairs from July 2020 to February 2023, and presently the Dean of the Graduate School and Engineering Consultant of LPU-C from February 2023 to present shows his commitment and professionalism in his field.
His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as PSME Fellow awardee in October 2006 at World Trade Center; PSME Most Outstanding Mechanical Engineer of the Year (TOME) for the year 2000; conferred ASEAN Engineer in Mechanical Engineering by the PTC and ASEAN Confederation of Engineers on Dec. 9, 2003; finished Doctor of Philosophy in Management Engineering in Adamson University in 2004; awarded Bene Meritus Graduate of Adamson University in October 2004 as PhD Student Graduate.
As an active member of PSME since 1980, PSIM since 2022, Philippine Graduate School Education since January 2023, Philippine Association of Accrediting Schools, Colleges, and Universities (PAASCU), Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities – Commission on Accreditation (PACU-COA) and Technical Panel for Mechanical Engineering of CHED-National, his relentless dedication to the organization/s is a testament to his outstanding career.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Metallurgical Engineering, his exemplary service in his profession such as organizing Capacity Building Activities for Small-Scale Miners in Del Pilar, Cabadbaran City; leading the Establishment of a Mineral Laboratory in Caraga; serving as Project Coordinator for the Mineral Processing Facility in Del Pilar; supervising Water Testing and Metrology/Calibration Services; leading the Provision of Online Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic; and establishing Innovation Centers in Caraga Region shows his commitment and professionalism in his field.
His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him an office award and a Departmental Award from the Department of Science and Technology on a national scale.
As a member of the Society of Metallurgical Engineers in the Philippines, his relentless dedication to the organization/s is a testament to his outstanding career.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Sanitary Engineering with a specialization in Public Health Engineering, his exemplary service in his profession as a Professor of Public Health made him a Full Professor and was elected Dean of the College of Public Health – the first Dean of the College from the engineering profession.
As a teacher, he oversees the MS Public Health-Environmental Health, Master of Occupational Health, Master of Public Health, and BS Public Health programs.
As a researcher, he completed 12 research projects that have outputs of national importance such as the National Standards for Drinking Water; National Occupational Health and Safety Program; and Water Safety Plan Models for Water Refilling Stations. He also published several scientific articles and technical reports.
As a public servant, he served as a member and officer of technical working groups, and professional and socio-civic organizations like the Philippine Society of Sanitary Engineers (PSSE) and UPCPH-Foundation. He contributed to the development of national academic and regulatory frameworks for a profession that is significant to modern public health which shows his commitment and professionalism in his field. His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as AFEO’s Conferment of Honorary Fellow and ASEAN Engineer. PSSE’s Leadership Award, 3 Presidential Awards, Public Health Engineering Specialist, One UP Professorial Chair Award (2016-2018), (2019-2021) and (2022-2024) and UP Manila’s Professional Chair Award (2016 and 2019) for teaching and public service in Public Health Engineering, Environmental and Occupational Health.
As a member of PSSE, where he served on the Board of Directors (4 years), Vice President (2 years), and President (2 years), his relentless dedication to the organization/s is a testament to his outstanding career.

For her distinguished contribution in the field of Dentistry. Aside from her Bachelor’s Degree, she finished her specialty degree at Georgetown University in Washington USA. Her exemplary service in her profession such as appointed by the World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO) as the Philippine Board of Orthodontics (PBO) Representative to the WFO Committee on National and Regional Orthodontic Certifying Boards from 2007 to 2014, Chairperson of the PBO Committee on Accreditation and Credentials, worked for accreditation of universities offering Orthodontic Graduate Programs which led to the Accreditation of UP Orthodontic Graduate Program, recently Chairperson of the Philippine Board of Orthodontics from 2006 to 2010, and member of the Speakers Bureau of the PDA shows her commitment and professionalism in her field.
Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned her various awards and recognition which are evidence of her body of work and positive contributions to the Dentistry Professional Industry.
As a member of PDA and other specialty organizations, she displayed her undying commitment to her specialty field and has helped develop and raise the standard of the practice of Orthodontics. Her relentless dedication to the organization/s is a testament to her outstanding career.

For her distinguished contribution in the field of Midwifery as an esteemed and highly proficient midwife educator and researcher in the span of 29 years and counting. Her experience and collaborations with partner agencies and socio-civic organizations resulted to programs and policies instrumental in uplifting the professional and academic development of faculty and students and in fostering people empowerment to help improve their quality of life in various communities.
She continues to manifest her utmost commitment to her profession as a local chapter leader of the Integrated Midwives Association of the Philippines, Inc. through its advocacies, endeavors, and activities. Her accomplishments and contributions as a published midwife researcher-presenter recognized by the IAMURE International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research provide strong motivation for midwives to pursue higher education and explore the vast opportunities in midwifery studies and research development.

For her distinguished contribution in the field of Medicine – ENT Head and Neck Surgery, her thirty (30) years of exemplary service in her profession such as Medical and Surgical Services to the Filipinos, Free Medical and Humanitarian Missions, Livelihood Trainings for marginalized groups, Organizing Seminars, Researches, and Teaching Medical and Dentistry Students show her commitment and professionalism in her field.
Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned her various awards and recognition such as The Outstanding Filipino Physician Award (2021), Distinction Award Philippine Federation of Professional Association (2023), Dr. Jose P. Rizal Memorial Award for Community Leadership (2020), Gawad Geny Lopez Bayaning Pilipino Award – Regional Winner and National Finalist (2019), PMA Most Outstanding Physician (2018), UP Medical Alumni Society Most Outstanding Alumnus for Community Service and Public Health (2018), Most Outstanding ENT Specialist for Community Service (2017), UP-PGH, Philippine Society of Otorhinolaryngology Alumna Award for Community Service (2021), and 2021 Commendation by the Zamboanga City Council (2021).
As a member of the Philippine Medical Association (PMA), Zamboanga City Medical Society, Philippine Society of Otorhinolaryngology, UPCM 93, Vanguard and Elite Eagles Club, and Kilusang Pagbabago - PAZ, her relentless dedication to the organizations is a testament to her outstanding career.

For her distinguished contribution in the field of Medical Technology, and exemplary service in her profession such as her painstaking effort to work on the approval of Hazardous Duty pay for SOCO personnel, for being instrumental in the solution of crime through SOCO investigation, for her expertise in Forensic Medicine in the PNP Crime Laboratory having served as Officer, which paved way for Medical Technologist to be accepted as Lateral Entrant.
Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned various awards and recognition such as the Dr. Alfredo de Roda Excellence Award (2019), Most Outstanding Alumnus in Career Achievement – FEU (2016), Best Guest Professor of the National Police College, Award of Merit as Philippine Constabulary WAC of the Year, Medalya ng Papuri, Medalya ng Kagalingan, Presidential Unit citation badge. She also received numerous certifications of appreciation as a resource speaker in legal medicine, and biological evidence from different AFP units, and NGOs including Japan and Korean embassies among others.
As a member of the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, International Association of Blood Pattern Analysts, American College of Forensic Examiners International, and Philippine Federation of Professional Associations, her relentless dedication to the organizations is a testament to her outstanding career.

For her distinguished contribution in the field of Nutrition and Dietetics, her exemplary service in her profession such as spearheaded amendments to the MS program in UP-Diliman – to keep up with the times and proposed improvements to the hospital dietetics practicum for the graduating dietitians – to make it more in tune with required protocols for COVID-19 pandemic and emergency situations shows her commitment and professionalism in her field.
Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned her various awards and recognition such as the Preciosa Irma P. Florentin Award as the Most Promising Young Dietitian in 2005, the 2020 Outstanding Paper Award from DOST-NAST, for her publication entitled “Development and Evaluation of a Culturally Sensitive Food Frequency Questionnaire for the Assessment of Prebiotic and Probiotic Intake of Urban-living. Low-to-medium-income Women” and the 2022 Clara Ruth Darby memorial Lecture Series Award as a recognition of her distinguished achievement in nutrition education and research.
As a member of the Nutritionist-Dietitians’ Association of the Philippines, Council of Deans and Heads in Nutrition and Dietetics Education, and Philippine Association of Nutrition, Inc., her relentless dedication to the organization/s is a testament to her outstanding career.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Pharmacy. His exemplary service was demonstrated as a Pharmaceutical Scientist in the development of breakthrough method on drug delivery systems, utilizing the lower-eyelid skin, to sustainably deliver drugs to ophthalmic tissues that address a longstanding unmet clinical demand. This method would allow the application of ophthalmic medicines even at sleep with reduced side effects. He also led the development of nano-sized liquid crystal formulations for the delivery of an anti-Alzheimer’s drug and a clinically significant method to monitor drug distribution in the brain. He leads the efforts of pharmaceutical scientists in pre-clinical drug development of natural products from Visayan flora, the first kind of research to recognize the value of Visayan biodiversity in the development of indigenous pharmaceuticals.
Being a leader as the current Dean of the School of Health Care Professions demonstrates his commitment and professionalism in his field and beyond. His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as The Outstanding Pharmacists in Research by the Philippine Pharmacists Association (2020), the International Pharmaceutical Federation awarded him the Best Oral Presentation Award consecutively for 2018 and 2019, the Post-Doctoral presentation award of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Japan – the first Filipino pharmaceutical scientist to receive the award in 45-year history. Young Researcher Award by Monash University.
As a member of the International Pharmaceutical Federation, Royal Pharmaceutical Society, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy, National Research Council of the Philippines, Philippine Association of the Colleges of Pharmacy, and the Philippine Pharmacists Association, his relentless dedication to the organization/s is a testament to his outstanding career.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Nursing, his exemplary service in his profession in health education, informatics, research, scholarship, and praxis shows his commitment and professionalism in his field.
His competence, excellence, commendable track record, and measurable impact have earned him various national and international awards and recognition such as Gintong Kabataan (Professional Worker category) by the Provincial Government of Bulacan, Most Outstanding Alumni (OLFU) and Distinguished Alumnus (UST), Gawad Vicente M. Santos for Exemplary Leadership (OLFU), Apple Distinguished Educator (Apple, Inc), Nurse in the Limelight Innovator Award (International Council of Nurses the Nurse Practitioner Healthcare Foundation, the Secrétariat International Des Infirmières et Infirmiers de l’Espace Francophone and the Association Française pour le Développement de l’Education Thérapeutique), Emerging Nurse Researcher Award (Sigma Nursing), Virginia Henderson Fellow (Sigma Nursing), Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN), Fellow, Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (FFNMRCSI), and Finalist in the Aster Guardians Global Nursing Award 2023 (Aster DM Healthcare). He is a recipient and scholar of the Experienced Faculty Leadership Academy (Sigma Nursing), Global Innovator (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Graduate Nursing Student Academy), and Global Nursing Leadership Institute (International Council of Nurses).
As a member of the Philippine Nurses Association, his relentless dedication and impact on the Filipino nurse community in local, regional, and international landscapes is a testament to his outstanding career.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Radiologic Technology, his exemplar service in his profession such as Program Head, Radiologic Technology and Full-Time Professor at St. Alexius College, Chief Radiologic Technologist, Ct-Scan Technologist, and Radiologic Technologist in The Doctors’ Clinic and Hospital, Inc, President of PART Koronadal Chapter shows his commitment and professionalism in his field.
His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as Commission on Higher Education RQUAT Member – Region XII, Resource Speaker, Lecturer and Guest Speaker in many conferences, Convenor, Facilitator, and Over-All Chairman Oath-Taking Ceremony of the Radiologic Technologist, as Vice-President for Mindanao Region, Philippine Association of Deans and Faculty of Colleges of Radiologic Technology, Inc., Philippine Association of Radiologic Technologists, Inc., Koronadal Chapter President and Officer Philippine Association of Radiation Protection.
As a member of the Philippine Association of Radiologic Technologists Inc., his relentless dedication to the organization/s is a testament to his outstanding career.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Physical Therapy, and exemplary service in his profession such as his Exemplary Leadership that elevated the recognition of competence of the Filipino Physical Therapist in the regional and international arena having served as President of the Philippine Physical Therapy Association, the ASIAN Confederation for PT, a Member of the Asia-Western Pacific Region – World Confederation for PT; for his utmost dedication to advance the quality of PT education as a Member of the CHED Technical Committee and the Regional Quality Assessment Team (RQAT), a former faculty of the UP-College of Medical Professions and Clinical Instructor at UP-PGH; for his untiring efforts to push for the passage of the Physical Therapy Bill and spreading the merits of Continuing Professional Development and Career Progression and Specialization; for sharing his expertise through his clinical practice, published work, research grants and policy development studies; and for his relentless pursuit in the delivery of healthcare services to the marginalized sector by participating in volunteer programs spearheaded by the DOH, the Philippine TB Society and other government and private organizations.
His Awards and Recognition include the World Confederation for Physical Therapy Bursary; Recognition as Past President of the PPTA; and Clinical Supervisor Award by the UP-PGH.
He is currently the Chairperson of the Legal and Ethics Committee, PPTA, and a Board Member, the Philippine Society of Wheelchair Professionals.

For her distinguished contribution in the field of Speech-Language Pathology, her exemplary service in her profession such as the practice of, the teaching of, and advocating for specialized clinical work on adult communication, speech, language, voice, and swallowing disorders; for doing research on Filipino-centered, culturally-informed topics in the fields of adult aphasia, dysphagia, and dementia; for collaborative work with various professional and community organizations in order to bring aphasia, dysphagia, voice, and dementia care education to Filipinos, their families, and caregivers, shows her commitment and professionalism in her field. Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned her various awards and recognition such as one of the 2012 Outstanding SLP Alumni of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines – Manila (UP-CAMP).
As a member of the Philippine Association of Speech Pathologists (PASP), the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), and the Dementia Society of the Philippines (DSP), her relentless dedication to the organization/s is a testament to her outstanding career.

For her distinguished contribution in the field of Veterinary Medicine, her exemplary service in her profession such as her dedicated service and commitment in the academe for the advancement of veterinary education, in generating technology and innovations for animal health sustainability through her research endeavors, including the establishment of the Center for Transboundary Animal Diseases, and in promoting participatory technology development in extension programs shows her commitment and professionalism in her field.
Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned her various awards and recognition such as the 2007 Philippine Veterinary Medical Association Outstanding Veterinarian in Education, 2007 PSAS Outstanding Teacher in Animal Science, 2018 Veterinary Practitioners Association of the Philippines Most Outstanding Practitioner in the Academe, 2016 Philippine Veterinary Medical Association Outstanding Veterinarian in Rural Extension and Community Service, and various commendations and awards as employee and as researcher.
As a member of the Philippine Veterinary Medical Association, the Veterinary Practitioners Association of the Philippines, the Philippine Association of Veterinary Medicine Educators and Schools, the Philippine College of Ruminant Practitioners, the Philippine Society of Animal Science, the National Research Council of the Philippines – Division of Veterinary Medicine, and the Asian Association of Veterinary Schools, her relentless dedication to the organization/s is a testament to her outstanding career.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Agriculture, and exemplary service in his profession as an academician, administrator, researcher, scientist, and extension worker. In addition to academic and administrative functions, he leads at least 18 research, development, and extension programs and projects. He published more than a dozen articles in ISI-indexed international journals with over 320 citations and filed 3 patents and 11 utility models for his inventions. He developed molecular primer kits for the identification of genuine varieties of cacao, coconut, and palm species allowing farmers to use high-quality planting materials for increased productivity and profitability. He also invented DNA probe kits for the early detection of pathogens that helped save the banana industry. His inventions are currently used by agricultural stakeholders and industries. He directly linked with the cacao and banana growers to mentor or share the developed products and technologies.
His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as the 2022 Civil Service Commission Outstanding Government Worker PAGASA Award, the 2021 William D. Dar Research and Development Award, Outstanding Alumni Awards, and at least 7 Best Papers in national or regional competitions.
As a member of the Philippine Association of Agriculturists, Inc., his relentless dedication to the organization is a testament to his outstanding career.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Architecture. He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture from the University of Santo Tomas (UST) in 2002 and he was able to be placed in the top twelve (12) in the June 2003 Architecture Board Exam. Aside from this, he attained his Master’s Degree in Urban Design at the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2012. After gaining experience in his field, he founded and is currently the Principal Architect of the WTA Architecture and Design Studio - an award-winning group of young architects and designers, was recognized as one of the “Top 10 Architectural firms in the Philippines”, in 2007.
Despite its short history, the studio has worked on numerous projects, including residential, offices, hospitality, commercial, mixed-use, institutional, master plan, transportation, retail (network), homes, competition, and research. Employing around 120 architects, engineers, and designers, WTA has recently completed the Ferdinand E. Marcos Stadium in Laoag.
As an active member of the United Architects of the Philippines (UAP), he contributed to the profession’s advancement, fostering collaborations and promoting industry growth.
His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various local and international recognitions and awards, including the Ani ng Dangal 2023 Award, WAFX Winner, Top World Architecture 100 List, and others.

For her distinguished contribution in the field of Fisheries. Her exemplary service in her profession such as providing direction in the research and development on aquatic resources in the Philippines; conceptualization and implementation of the Industry Strategic Science and Technology Program on aquatic resources, monitoring and evaluation of researches, development and innovation projects being funded by DOST-PCAARRD on aquatic resources have led to the improvement in the production of major fisheries resources, and the productivity of major fisheries production areas through science and technology shows her commitment and professionalism in her field.
Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned her various awards and recognition such as Plaque of Recognition as Officer-in-Charge of IARRD-PCAARRD, 2015 SESAM-UPLB Distinguished Alumna for Aquatic Environment Research, 2015 Outstanding Scientific Paper Award, the Plaque of Recognition for having completed a degree on Doctor of Philosophy, Leadership Award, and Outstanding President of Rotary International District 3820.
As a member of the Asosasyon ng mga Propesyonal sa Pangisdaan ng Pilipinas (APPP), the Philippine Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (PSBMB), the Philippine Association of Research Managers (PHILARM), and the UP Alumni Association, her relentless dedication to the organization/s is a testament of her outstanding career.

For her distinguished contribution in the field of Natural Products Chemistry, her exemplary service in her profession as a Chemist at DOST-Industrial Technology Development Institute shows her commitment and professionalism in her field.
Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned various awards and recognition such as the 2017 Civil Service Commission – DOST Career System as Scientist 1 and ITDI Award of Excellence, 2018 PHILAAST Gregorio Y. Zara Award for Basic Science Research, UST Outstanding Jubilarian, 2019 Asian Scientists 100, 2012 Outstanding JICA Alumni R & D Award for Chemistry, DOST Intellectual Property/Publication Awards, 2021 UST Distinguished Alumni in S & T, CSC Plaque of Appreciation as Retired Career Scientist and ITDI Plaque of Recognition for her contributions and accomplishments as Scientist 1, Asian Scientist, exemplary leader, chair/member of different committees, and as project leader of notable programs/projects of the Institute; towards the advancement of science and technology and addressing the pressing challenges in the chemistry profession.
As a member of Integrated Chemists of the Philippines, BPS-TC on Halal Cosmetics, Philippine Association of Career Scientists, NRCP, PHILAAST, EMB Technical Assessor, PALEU, and Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals, her relentless dedication to the organizations is a testament of her outstanding career.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Environmental Planning. An Architecture cum laude graduate of UP, Henry Yap holds a MSc Urban Planning in Developing Countries from the University of Wales at Cardiff as a British Council scholar and earned PhD units in Urban Planning.
Yap’s distinguished career spans Environmental Planning, architecture, and real estate. His exemplary services were recognized with his appointment as Undersecretary for Planning, International Cooperation, and Institutional Partnerships of the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development.
Yap previously served in c-suite capacities at Robinsons Land Corporation and Gokongwei companies including GM positions in the Philippines and China; and as chairman, director, president, and/or officer of JV companies, subsidiaries, and affiliates. His experiences also include being a former Chief Planning Officer of the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council, Fort Bonifacio Development Corporation VP for Design and Planning, and in-house master planner of “Bonifacio Global City.”
He taught at UP School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP) and College of Architecture, and has two books to his credit, thus showing his commitment and professionalism to his chosen fields.
His excellence and commendable track record have earned him awards and recognitions for himself and his previous employers.
His relentless dedication to the Philippine Institute of Environmental Planning is reflected in his repeated services as a member of the Board and officer, and his eventual elevation as a Fellow in 2006. All these are testaments of his outstanding career.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Food Technology, his exemplary service in his profession as a Professor of Food Science and Technology and Food Scientist show his commitment and professionalism in his field.
His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition including the Outstanding Performance and Excellence in Research Award, One UP Professional Chair Award, UPLB Centennial Professorial Chair Award, and several International Publication Awards.
As a member of the Philippine Association of Food Technologists, Inc., Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology, National Research Council of the Philippines, Gamma Sigma Delta Honor Society of Agriculture, Kapisanang Kimiki ng Pilipinas Southern Tagalog Chapter, Philippine Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Philippine Fruits Association, his relentless dedication to the organization/s is a testament of his outstanding career.

The many success stories of the DENR, especially in Negros Oriental, could possibly be attributed to this person, Charlie E. Fabre. He started in government service in 1990 as a Forester – Forest Guard and rose through the ranks at an impressive rate. A few decades later, he is now Assistance Regional Director for Region 7 of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. His rise is a verification of his dedication, exceptional performance, and integrity.
Fabre is a driven, result-oriented individual, and knew that for the projects and programs to succeed, the key would be in his team, which he considers his biggest asset and resource. His leadership skills are driven by motivation and would set the example to motivate, inspire, and encourage his team to innovative solutions and ideas that work. A very good example of this is when the biggest mechanized nursery was to be implemented in Negros Oriental wherein he broke off from the traditional design/plans, and came out with a better cost-effective plan, which gained the Mechanized Nursery recognition as a model and benchmark for all other Mechanized Nurseries.
He made the LGUs and POs as his partners which gained the success of numerous projects. He has concern and empathy towards people in the far-flung communities where he manages to get other NGOs involved to improve the quality of life of people.
His travels outside the country have given him the opportunity to share what he learned which would be beneficial to the project and its people such as his learning tour in Germany under the Kfw Community Based Mangrove Management Project. Upon his return, he applied what he learned resulting in the Community Based Mangrove Management Project in Santa Catalina. This caught the attention of NEDA Region 7 and the project was awarded as the best managed CBMMP in Region 7.
While in Negros Oriental, Fabre was actively involved with the Rotary Club and was responsible for having the Rotary Club involved during the inauguration of the Modern Mechanized Nursery in Banban, Ayungon, Negros Oriental. All abovementioned proves his relentless dedication to his organization/s and is a testament to his outstanding career.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Geology and exemplary service in his profession such as the establishment of facilities and institutions for the efficient management of mineral resources and energy, and programs for environmental protection consciousness in the mining sector – Mining Forest Program of MGB-DENR; enactment of inclusivity-sensitive laws on mineral and energy management – the Minahang Bayan Law of 1992, Ocean, Solar and Wind (OSW) Law of 1997 (EO 462), the mineral resources governance provision of the Bangsamoro Law of 2014; and the continued investor interest on coal for electricity and ammonia/hydrogen, and on the old Philippine Iron Mines as a domestic source of uranium fuel for small modular reactors of future Philippine power plants in response to the international decarbonization program.
His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as Outstanding Professional of the Year (1982) – Phil. Assoc. of Japanese Ministry of Education Scholars; Likas Yaman (1983) – DENR; Outstanding Geologist (1984) – Geological Society of the Phil.; Achievement Award (1987) – National Research Council of the Phil.; Professional Achievement Award (1990) – UP Alumni Association; Medal of Merit (1990) – Circum-Pacific Energy and Mineral Resource Council; Hard Rock Award (1992) – Mines and Geoscience Bureau; and AIM Professional Award (1997) – Asian Institute of Management.
As a member of the Geological Society of the Philippines, his relentless dedication to the organization/s is a testament to his outstanding career.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Interior Design, and exemplary service in his profession such as extensive experience in design and building of iconic museums, schools, residential, commercial/retail and developments.
He shows his commitment and professionalism in his field. His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as the Presidential Excellence Award from the Philippine Institute of Architects (2016), TOYM Awardee in the field of Architecture (2002), and the Young Architects Award from the Progressive Architecture Awards and exhibition awards from AIA New York for his design contribution in the firm (1993).
He also received the THEA Awards for the Mind Museum for Outstanding Achievement for the Science Museum Category for the design and execution of exhibits (2014) – a first for a Philippine establishment and for a science museum in Asia. The Museum also got a LEED Gold Certification from the U.S. Green Building Council for sustainable design and construction (2012), Gold Medal for Design of EXPO’s Zaragoza, Spain and Aichi, Japan, and International Category Award and First Place Award for Contemporary Kitchen Design in the overall Sub-Zero and Wolfe Kitchen Design Contest (2008-09) and International Category award for Best Kitchen Design (2006-07). Three (3) of his iconic buildings were also nominated for the “Haligi ng Dangal” awards by the National Commission on Culture and the Arts which are The Mind Museum, College of Saint Benilde School of Art and Design, and UP Manila Museum of a History of Ideas.
To add, several of his residential projects were also published in international and local magazines/books like Tropical Architecture for the 21st Century (books 1 and 2) by Bluprint, Pacific Modern by Raul Barreneche of Rizolli Press, NY, 25 Tropical Houses in the Philippines by Elizabeth Reyes of Periplus Publishing, Inside Asia by Taschen, The Phaidon Atlas of Contemporary World Architecture by Phaidon Publishing, The New Asian House by Robert Powell of Select Publishing, Singapore and more.
As a member of PIID, UAP, and PIA, his relentless dedication to the organization/s is a testament to his outstanding career.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Master Plumbers. His exemplary service in his profession as a former member and chairman of both the Board of Master Plumbing and its Continuing Professional Development Council had made his career an illustrious one gaining experience and knowledge of great significance that he imparted and shared among his fellow master plumbers in order to uplift the plumbing profession to greater heights at par with the world best.
His research, lectures, design works, and professional ethics showed his commitment and professionalism in his field while his competence, experience, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as the 2011 Most Outstanding Master Plumber of Quezon City conferred by NAMPAP-Quezon City Chapter, a Fellow stature from the Philippines Society of Plumbing Engineers (PSPE), Inc. and recognition as a Certified Plumbing Designer.
As a member of the American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE), National Master Plumbers Association of the Philippines (NAMPAP), Inc., and PSPE, his relentless dedication to the organizations and the pride and joy of training out-of-school youth as plumbers to alleviate themselves from poverty is a testament to his outstanding career.