2020 Most Outstanding Professionals of the Year Awardees

distinguished herself in the field of Accountancy and Taxation. She displayed steadfast leadership as Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer of P&A Grant Thornton, one of the Philippines’ largest professional services firms. He made solid contribution as a member of the Board of Governors of Grant Thornton International Ltd., and her active involvement in the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Her track record earned her various awards and recognition such as the 2011 Most Outstanding CPA in Public Practice, 2015 Eminent Philippine Normal University alumna, and 2013 Manila Science High School A Tribute to Outstanding MaScians Awardee. She is a current member of the board of governor of the Management Association of the Philippines, a Trustee of the Shareholders Association of the Philippines and the Institute of Corporate Directors, a past president of the Financial Executive Institute of the Philippines, and active member in the Association of Certified Public Accountants in Public Practice, Makati Business Club, and the Women Business Council of the Philippines. Her ability to bring her professional skills to the betterment of organizations in her field is a true testament of her outstanding career.

worked at the Bureau of Customs after his assignment with the INTEGRATED CUSTOMS BROKERS ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, now, Chamber of Customs Brokers Incorporated. He passed his Customs Brokers Licensure Examination in 1978 and practiced his profession for more than ten (10) years. He is currently a well-known trainor among resource speakers in the Bureau of Customs’ Training Division with expertise on Methods of Valuation, General Rule on Tariff Classification and Rules of Origin. One of the remarkable events in his career was his defense of the existence of Customs Brokers. There were ninety-four WTO members who disputed on the issue of terminating or sustaining services with the Portuguese Representative strongly showing disfavor in the profession. Fortunately, the nominee and Philippine Ambassador Esteban B. Conejos, Jr. to the WTO were recognized by the Director General Roberto Acevedo. The nominee reiterated the passing of rigid board examination by customs brokers, and their role in facilitating trade in the Philippines. At that point, Director General Acevedo affirmed the role of Customs broker in the country’s economy.

has distinguished contribution in the field of Psychology, Educational Management, and Guidance in Counseling, she rose from the ranks from emergency clerk to guidance counselor, program chair of Master of Arts in Guidance and Counseling and at present the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies and occupying the rank of Professor VI. Her exemplar service was demonstrated as a professor in Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University, being tapped to teach major subjects in guidance and counseling, psychology, educational leadership and management for both graduate and undergraduate levels. An active thesis and dissertation adviser, she was awarded the best thesis adviser for three times. She attended trainings, in the local, national and international levels, and was a visiting lecturer in Chunburi, Thailand. Moreover, she was a trainer of the Civil Service Commission on Supervisory Development Course, a member of the Quality Assurance Team (RQAT) of the Commission on Higher Education, Region I, a national accreditor of the accrediting agency of the Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), and ISO auditor. She was involved in the extension program to adopt a School, a Barangay, while extending psychological first aid, debriefing and disaster post care to the 420 families in IBAAN BATANGAS for the survivors of Taal eruption. Her commitment and professionalism have been most manifest in her involvement in the extension program of the Municipality of Agoo, La Union by Training Psychological First Aiders. She earned various awards and recognition such as university faculty member of the year for two times, a second qualifier for the Metro Bank Search for Outstanding Teacher. She presented research paper in the international forum, in Rome, Poznan and Canada and in Manila Hotel, published research paper in the Humanities and Social Sciences Review, entitled Guidance Counselor and Practitioners ’Characteristics, Skills, Strategies and Emotional Profile. She is a member of the Eastern Regional Organization for Pubic Administration (EROPA), Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association, American Counseling Association, Integrated Professional Counselors Association of the Philippines, Philippine Association of Graduate Education, President of the PGCA- LA Union Chapter, manifestation of her relentless dedication and outstanding career.

is a distinguished achiever in the field of Library and Information Science, committed to uphold UN SDGs by supporting open access to information from publicly-funded researches on fisheries and aquaculture. His undertakings served to strengthen fisheries education by promoting research and scholarship through the dissemination of SEAFDEC publications in print, institutional repository, and digital library box. His advocacy ushered in the protection of fundamental freedoms through his outreach NcelLIBERation jail libraries; his crucial role in the institutionalization of PLAI National Congresses; and his passion and service to capacitate Fisheries and LIS professionals and students. His competence, excellence, and commendable track record earned him various awards and recognition such as PAARL Outstanding Academic/Research Librarian, ASLP Citation Award for Excellence in Research, PLAI Distinguished Service Award, Severino I. Velasco Award, and Gawad sa Natatanging Laybraryan (Visayas), SLA Asian Librarian Award, IASSIST Fellow, and ACS Publications Travel Grant for Librarians. As an officer/member of PLAI, PLAI-WVRLC, ASLP, PAARL, PATLS, SLA, and IAMSLIC, he demonstrated relentless dedication to these organizations as a testimony to an outstanding career.

is eminent in her contribution to the field of education as CPD of the PPH Educational Foundation. She has been a public servant for 35 years in the Department of Education, providing policy guidance, as Bureau Director, in pursuing alternative approaches to reforms in secondary education, including an open learning system and recognition of children’s participation in community livelihood activities for creditable learning, thus making secondary education more flexible and widely accessible to all. A consistent scholar since grade school, she graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Sto. Tomas; obtained a Master’s Degree from UP as a DECS scholar; and a PhD from the University of South Australia as a DepED and ADB scholar. As a long-time member of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (USA), she pioneered in championing whole-child education. She also served as a strong supporter of the community outreach programs of UNISA. She served as Treasurer of the Bridge To Hope Foundation which supports the education of children in underserved communities, Her engagement in these organizations is an affirmation to her outstanding career as a professional who has found her purpose as a TEACHER for a lifelong career.

is a distinguished contributor in the field of psychology through exemplary service through leadership in promoting science and research in psychology, establishing a program for continuing professional development of psychology specialists, and leading the effort to advance the code of ethics for Philippine psychologists. He also played a vital role in passage of the Philippine Psychology Act of 2009, made extensive scientific contributions in psychology research, did policy work applying psychology principles in education and youth development programs. He engaged Filipino psychologists in the global community of psychologists, while serving as the President of the Psychological Association of the Philippines, the ASEAN Regional Union of Psychological Societies, and Asian Association of Social Psychology. His commendable track record of accomplishment earned him various awards such as the UNESCO Institute for Education International Prize for Literacy Research, the National Research Council of the Philippines Achievement Award, the Psychological Association of the Philippines Outstanding Psychologist Award, elected Academician of the National Academy of Science and Technology.

distinguished contribution is in the field of Real Estate Service. He was the 1st Chairman of the Professional Regulatory Board of Real Estate Service for almost 8 years. Chairman of the CPD council for Real Estate Service, Chairman of Technical Panel on real estate in CHED responsible for the crafting of the CHED curriculum on B.S. Real Estate Management course, a Professional Lecturer on Real Estate Service and Dean of College of Real Estate Management. He hosted the teleradyo program at DWIZ882 Usapang Lupa at Negosyo and Host at Ikonsulta Mo Kay Doc E.G. via Facebook live and Youtube Channel. His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him being certified International Property Specialist (CIPS), also member of National Association of Realtors (NAR, USA), FIABCI International Real Estate Consultant (FIREC). He is a Doctor Fellow in Real Estate Management given by Royal Institution Singapore, Doctor Fellow in Property Management by Academy of Multi Skills United Kingdom, Doctor of Philosophy in International Real Estate Management by Universidad Pan Americana, Macau China, Outstanding Real Estate Professional of the Decade of NAR Philippines. Realtor of the Year PMRB, in addition to numerous plaques and appreciations from PAREB, REBAP, CREBA, NREA, NAR, PARCS, PCCI and other organizations. He was Vice President for Education of FIABCI, WORLD (International Organization), Past President of Philippine Association of Professional Regulatory Board member PAPRB PRC Diplomate & Fellow in Real Estate Management by Fiabci., Past National President of PAREB, Past President of Pasay Makati Real Estate Board, Past President of Philippine Association of Realty Consultants and Specialist, Vice Chairman of FIABCI Philippines, Chairman of Federation of Real Estate Professionals PRESPI, Vice President of CREBA, Secretary General/Trustee of Realty Service Council of the Philippines DTI, Past President of Philippine council of Real Estate Educators evidence of his relentless professional dedication and outstanding career.

distinguished herself in the field of Social Work through exemplary service and contributions by establishing Child Community-based Child Minding Centers, Residential Facilities for clients with special needs including: Bahay Dangupan- Center for Children who are victims of physical and sexual abuse, the Co Su Gian Home for the Aged for the abandoned Elderlies, Sidlakan Center- Center for women and children victims of domestic violence, Paginhawaan Drop-In Center for Streetchildren, Quick Response Team for Children’s Concern - a 24/7 facility for rescue and surveillance of children, Lingap Center for abandoned physically and mentally challenged children, Bahay Pag-asa for CICL (Children’s Village). She also made possible the establishment of an office for Davao City Council for the Welfare of Children as its Action Officer. Her competence, excellence and commendable track record earned her awards and recognition such as, 2019 Outstanding social Worker LGU Category – PASWI Mindanano, Outstanding Social Worker of the Philippines – 2018 PASWI Philippines, Best City Social Welfare and Development Officer – Region XI, DSWD FO XI, 1998 Civil Service Commission, Region XI Special Award Outstanding Lady Executive, Plaque of Recognition as 2019 PASWI Past President, PASWI Davao, Plaque of Appreciation in the Search for Ten Outstanding Lady Executive of Region XI. She is a member of Lifetime members of PASWI, Philippine Davao City Chapter, past President and presently BOD of Kiwanis Club of Royale Davao, Davao City Mental Health and Psycho Social Support Council (Inter-Agency), Ladislawa Garden Village Homeowners Association, WomyNet and Peace 911.

For her distinguished contributions and exemplar services in the field of Agricultural Biosystems Engineering, in her 38 years in government service are manifestations of her dedication to serve and impart her knowledge. She is instrumental in consistenly promoting the agricultural bio systems engineering and producing topnotchers in licensure examinations, Technical Consultant, Member of the Technical Evaluation Team, Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Assessor of DOST-SETUP in Bicol Region which provided to impart her technical expertise/knowledge to the small and medium industries which provided significant impact by increasing productivity of the SMEs in Bicol region and enhancing socio-economic status of the community as well.
Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him/her various awards and recognition such as: “Bicol’s Eureka in Science in Technology”, “Gurong Patnubay”, “Dalubguro Award”, “Outstanding Agricultural Engineer”, “Outstanding Alumni”, : Achievement Award”, “Inventors Award” as ASEAN Engineer in the Asian Society of Engineering Organizations in 2007 and more awards.
Her relentless dedication to the organizations is a testament of her outstanding career.

excelled in his contributions in the field of Chemical Engineering. His exemplary service was shown as Quality, Safety and Environment Director of Coca Cola ASEAN for 18 years He covered 12 countries and over 60 manufacturing sites in Southeast Asia. In his capacity as Water Replenish Technical Leader, he worked with external experts to quantify the impact of community water partnership projects which estimated that Coca Cola ASEAN countries have already replenished more than 100 percent of the water used in their finished beverages through the Community Water Projects such as the Agos Project in the Philippines. Currently he is the Assistant Vice President for Manufacturing Operations of Unilab, Board of Director Vice President of the International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineers and the Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers – Laguna Chapter. His advocacy has focused on continuing professional development for Chemical Engineers and STEM educators, demonstrating his commitment and professionalism his field. His competence, excellence, and commendable track record earned him awards and recognition such as PIChE Outstanding Chemical Engineer Award (OChEA) for Industry (Leadership & Quality Management, Environmental Management) in 2020; the Outstanding Alumnus Award awarded by Mapua University in 2019; The Outstanding Mapuan (TOM) for Chemical Engineering Practice awarded by National Association of Mapua Alumni in 2018, and Outstanding Cardinal Awardee in the field of Clean and Green Environment in 2017. As a member of Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers his relentless dedication to the organization has been the hallmark of his outstanding career.
is distinguished in the field of Civil Engineering through his exemplar service as Chairman of the Board of Civil Engineering, PRC. He is also a Member of the Philippine Ports Authority Board, representing the private sector. He was also Consultant to numerous high rise building constructions in the country, a designer/consultant to the Taipei Rapid Transit System and Hong Kong Mass Rapid Transit. He was Dean of the University of Visayas College of Engineering showing his commitment and professionalism in his field. Competence, excellence, and commendable track record earned him various awards and recognition such as the Asian Institute of Technology Distinguished Alumni Award, Siem Reap Cambodia Award, International Arch of Europe Award, ESQR’s (European Society for Quality Research) Quality Choice Prize on Ethics and Innovations in Quality Research, Berlin, Germany; Outstanding Filipino Civil Engineer Award on PICE’s 75th Anniversary, First Filipino Civil Engineer Conferred, and ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer (ACPE). As a member of Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers, Junior Chamber International Senate Philippines, Construction Project Management Association of the Philippines, American Society of Civil Engineers, Management Association of the Philippines his relentless dedication to these organizations bears the testament of his outstanding professional career.

demonstrated exemplar service in the field of Electrical Engineering. His 35-years of relevant experience focused on Concept/Feasibility Studies, Detailed Engineering & Design, Project Management & Construction, Contracts and Proposals related to Power Utility Co., Petrochemical Refineries, Oil/Gas Onshore & Offshore Facilities and Industrial Facilities, in depth, Electrical Engineering. His work experiences of more than twenty-three years included; network planning, engineering design, installation supervision, testing commissioning and operation & maintenance for Power Plant/Substations/Switching Stations and Overhead/Underground power lines (Low, medium and high Voltage) in accordance to IEEE, ANSI, IEC and Shell DEPs. His competence earned him recognition as 2018 IIEE Most Outstanding Electrical Engineer in the Field of Corporate Management and a Most Outstanding IIEE Regional Governor in 2018. He was a Grade “A” Electrical Engineer Certified by MME, Qatar and conferred as ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer (ACPE – 01431/PH) ASEAN Engineer Register (AER No. 6714). Further, he was awarded as Group Member, Promising Manuscript Researcher and Best Team Leader Presenter during 1st Asia Pacific Conference in Development Management in Oman with the theme: "Industrial Revolution 4.0 - its impact on the Management, Research and on Developing Economies". He is also a Fellow Member in the Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineer (IIEE) of the Philippines Incorporated.

is a distinguished contributor in the field of Electronics Engineering and Engineering Education. She demonstrated her exemplar service as CEO of D.E.L.F.T Training Consultancy, Director (Consultant), Higher Education Department, Don Bosco Technical College, Mandaluyong; former Senior Director for Academic Services/ Affairs, former Director of the Electrical and Electronics Department and Professor of FEU Institute of Technology and former Department Chairperson and Associate Professor of the Electronics Engineering Department of Adamson University. She was the first ECE Director/ Department Chair on both universities, also a former consultant of the Center for International Cooperation of Delft University of Technology (CICAT-TUDelft) in the Netherlands. She was a former Graduate School Lecturer at Northwestern University and Building Contractor Consultant. Currently, she is the Project Leader of a team of Electronics Engineers working on The Design of Low Cost Ventilators for COVID-19 patients funded by the DOST – PCIEERD. Her competence and commendable track record earned her various awards and recognition such as “Inspiring Filipina Engineer” awarded by Philippine Technological Council Women Engineers Network (2019), “Most Outstanding Electronics and Communications Engineer in the field of Education” awarded by the Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines (2000), “Outstanding Mentor” awarded by the Semiconductor Electronics Industry of the Philippines (2000); ”Most Competent Professor” awarded by the Adamson University Student Government (1992), “Highest Honors/ Merritissimus” on her Doctor of Philosophy in Management, Adamson University (2002), ASEAN Engineer by ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (2014), ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer (ACPE) and Filipino ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer (FACPE) (2015). As a member of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines (IECEP), she has been the 2014 National President, Vice President for Education (2010-2011 & 2013), Vice President for External Affairs (2012). She was also 1st Vice President (2008-2012) and National Secretary (2006-2008) of the Philippine Association of Engineering Schools. She is the current Chair of the Technical Committee on Electronics Engineering (since 2012), Member of the Technical Panel for Engineering and Technology (since 2012), Chair of the Technical Working Group for Technopreneurship (since 2015) and Member of the Regional Quality Assessment Team (2001) of the Commission on Higher Education. She was also a Member of the Commission on Engineering Programs (2010-2014) and Accreditor (sinse 1997) of the Philippine Association of Accredited Schools, Colleges and Universities. She is also the current Chair (2020) and former Member (2012) of the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Philippine Technological Council, Co-Chair Education Sector representing the Philippines in the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (since 2016). She is the current Vice Chair (2020), Secretary (2018-2019) and Trustee (2015-2016) of the Philippine Technological Council Women Engineers Network. She is also a Member of the Continuing Professional Development Council of the Electronics Engineering, Professional Regulation Commission (since 2013). Her relentless dedication to these organizations is a testament of her outstanding professional career.

is distinguished for his contribution in the field of Geodetic Engineering. His exemplar service was rendered through his staunch leadership and excellent achievements as being the first and only National President of the Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines from the Visayas. He was also the only lawyer president in his profession who served as Presidential Adviser for Legal Affairs, the first and only National President of the Mines Geodetic Engineers from the Visayas, it was during his presidency in the Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines, when the organization was the first among all the Integrated and Accredited Professional Organizations to fully implement in 2008 the PRC CPE Program in accordance with PRC Resolution No. 2008-466. His competence, excellence, and meritorious track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as the Most Outstanding Geodetic Engineer in the Private Sector for 2014, ASEAN Engineer by the AFEO, College of Fellows by the GEP, Advanced Level Geodetic Engineers Consultant, and commendation from the Municipality of Asturias for his tireless service contributing to the development of the Municipality and welfare of its people. He gave back to his home and alma mater by sponsoring scholarship grants to high school and college students in Asturias, Cebu. He also reached out to help and support the victims of Typhoon Yolanda in Daanbantayan, Cebu. As a member of the Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines (GEP), and Mines Geodetic Engineers, Inc. (MGEI), his relentless dedication is witness to his remarkable and outstanding career.

distinguished himself in the field of Mining Engineering, performing exemplary service in his profession for 54 years in the mining industry. With the Nickelasia Corporation, he demonstrated expertise in overseeing six mining companies. He was Board Director of 3 mines, a member Mining Board of Examiners, founding president of 2 chapters of the Philippine Society of Mining Engineers, author of mining technical/management papers, chair of mining, environment protection and community development. He showed both commitment and professionalism in his field, earning him varous awards and recognition such as ASEAN Mining, Presidential Mineral Industry and Environment, Best Mining Forest, Best Mine Safety Engineer, Outstanding Mining Engineer-Management and Gawad Dangal ng Pililla, Rizal. As a member of the Philippine Society of Mining Engineers, American Society of Mining Engineers, and International Loss Control Institute, he demonstrated relentless dedication to his professional career.

is a distinguished contributor in the field of Metallurgical Engineering. He earned his degree at the Mapua Institute of Technology in 1970, and his PRC license on Dec. 8, 1982. His exemplary performance covers 32 years at Atlas Consolidated Mining and Development Corporation (1970 to 2002) – a copper mine that operates 3 copper concentrators. His experience includes metallurgical research and development, and handling actual concentrator operations. He also spent 18 years at Sumitomo Metal Mining Philippines (2003 to present) that operates 2 nickel hydrometallurgical processing plants (CBNC in Palawan and THPAL in Surigao Del Norte). His expertise is focused on environmental management and external/community/government affairs. Also, his competence and excellence have earned him various awards and recognitions, including a Lifetime Achievement 2009 Award in Metallurgical Engineering – by the MIT-MGM Alumni Group, the 2020 Outstanding Mapuan (TOM) Award in Metallurgical Engineering – by the National Association of Mapua Alumni, a 2007 Citation for Presentation of CBNC’s Tailings Storage Facility – by the Australian Centre for Geomechanics in Perth, Western Australia, a 2008 Citation for Presentation of CBNC’s HPP and Environmental Measures – by the Society of Metallurgical Engineers of the Philippines, a 2017 Citation for Presentation of THPAL Scandium Recovery Project – by the PSEM at the CARAGA Mining Symposium, in Surigao City. In addition, he is dedicated to many professional and civic organizations, such as the Society of Metallurgical Engineers of the Philippines, Pollution Control Association of the Philippines, Region VII, Philippine Jaycees, Toledo Chapter, and the Andres Soriano Memorial School, PTA, a testament of his outstanding career.

career spanned more than four decades in the different facets of water supply and wastewater projects. He employed conventional technology, applying the latest available technologies which exhibit his commitment and professionalism in the advancement of Sanitary Engineering. His distinguished life of competence, excellence, and commendable track record earned him various recognition from all walks of life not only locally but internationally, notable of which is the Honorary Fellow conferred by the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organization (2019). His quality leadership as Past Director and Past President of PSSE saw the amendment of the By-laws providing for a College of Fellows which mandated professional development of members even before the CPD law. He led the copyrighting of the Uniform Plumbing Code of the Philippines. He initiated conciliatory talks to reconcile overlapping practices with other groups. Under his leadership, he inspired and piloted the role of Millennial Sanitary Engineers, a group of dynamic, young professionals for the promotion of the profession. Currently a PSSE Fellow, he is actively providing substantial advisory inputs and reliable support to the organization, an ongoing show of relentless dedication to service in an outstanding career.

is cited for his selfless service to dentistry as the spark of positive change to uplift the profession through continuing education. His vision is to make Filipino dentists to be at par with global colleagues with his favorite line “Dentist Never Stops Learning.”. He pushed the Philippine Dental Association to organize its continuing education programs towards international standards with very minimal cost to the delegates, organizing a national convention in 2005 as the President-elect, to date, all presidents after him try to embody this initiative. With his international linkages, and personal resources, several dentists were able to do their post-graduate training in Asia and Europe for free. He extended his linkages with universities and hospitals both in private and government sectors, like the Lung Center and National Kidney Transplant Institute. He continues to use his surgical talent to provide service to indigent patients needing maxillofacial surgical care for the repair of cleft lip and palate, tumors including other surgical management of those affected soldiers in Marawi. As such he earned the respect of officials in DOH where he is consulted on matters affecting the profession. Because of his earnest contributions, he was given the Outstanding Centralino Award, Outstanding Chapter President of the Philippine Dental Association. His Alma Mater the Manila Central University recognizes him as a Mentor Extraordinaire for transforming young dentists to young professionals. He is a member/fellow of numerous organizations including the Philippine Dental Association, Philippine College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, and the Asian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons which he served as President. Aside from these prestigious organizations, he is also a fellow of the International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, International College of Dentists, Pierre Fauchard Academy, Philippine Association of Implant Dentistry, while belonging to the Local and Regional faculty of AOCMF and SORG.

distinguished herself as a contributor in the field of Midwifery. He displayed exemplar service as Rural Health Midwife assigned in hard-to-reach far flung areas and worked as City Health Education and promotion officer. Her profession culminated in her becoming a member of the Board of Midwifery and Chairman of the CPD Council for Midwives showing her commitment and professionalism in the field. Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record earned her various awards and recognition such as Outstanding Midwives Award by IMAP and Johnson and Johnson, Outstanding City Health Education and Promotion Officer by the Department of Health Region IV-A. Plaque of Recognition from PRC and Board of Midwifery, Gawad Gintong Duyan Award by Batangas City LGU. As a member of Integrated Midwives Association of the Philippines, she supported and participated in projects, organized scientific seminars and served as a resource speaker during national and international conventions giving further eminence to a lifelong career.

has marked her outstanding contribution in the field of Medicine by her exemplary service as pioneering Assistive Technology and Rehabilitation training, service and research. She spearheaded Disability & Rehabilitation PhilHealth packages, trailblazing teleRehab as tool for community-based assessment. Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned her various awards and recognition. International recognition from Physicians for Peace USA (2009,2011) Nippon Foundation (2010), also local awards from the UP Manila Gawad Chancellor (2011), Philippine Medical Association (PMA) Dr Jose Rizal Award (2012) , Apolinario Mabini Presidential Award (2013) , Philippine Academy Of Rehabilitation Medicine (PARM) Outstanding Physiatrist (2013), Leon Sa Aureus Mayoralty Award (2014) ,UERMMMCI Exemplar Award (2017), UPCM Professorial Chair (2018, 2019). Dr Bundoc is project lead of assistive technology and rehabilitation initiatives of UNICEF, WHO, PhilHealth, PCHRD, TESDA, Physicians for Peace, Rotary International, Norfil Foundation. She is PARM Research Committee member, coordinator for inclusive activities with disabled-people organizations and engages PARM for policy development towards empowerment of persons with disabilities. To fulfill DOH’s “All For Health Towards Health For All, “Dr Bundoc with PMA launched a mobile workshop that provided accessible & appropriate mobility devices at the grassroots level. Her relentless dedication to these organizations has served as testimony to her outstanding career.

is a distinguished contributor in the field of Medical Technology as a Specialist in Blood Banking. He rendered exemplar service in the profession with unwavering commitment in promoting professional competencies in Transfusion Medicine. His extensive involvement covered an area of expertise that includes mentorship, workshops, lectures, and other related educational activities. He unselfishly dedicated himself to the profession, generously sharing his knowledge to the younger generation of Blood Bankers, a hallmark of a true professional in the field of Medical Technology. His competence, excellence, and commendable track record earned him various awards and recognition such as the 1996 Medical Technologist of the Year PAMET -USA 4th National Convention award in New York City, USA. Most Outstanding 2018 Medical Technologist award during the 54th Annual PAMET Convention, 2020 PAMET-USA 32nd Founding Anniversary Celebration and the 17th Biennial National Convention awards. He is the PAMET chairman of the outreach program and advocate of community services for the marginalized population of the country. As past National President of PAMET-USA Inc. he was instrumental in giving scholarship grants to underprivileged students in Medical Technology. His deep passion in the profession named him one of the 2 experts to lead the challenge of career progression and specialization for Blood Banking and Transfusion Practices by the Medical Technology Professional Regulatory Board.

is distinguished by her contribution to Nutrition and Dietetics through exemplar service in nutrition education, training and advocacy in Food and Culinary Science. Her competence, excellence and commendable accomplishments earned her many awards including the Outstanding Nutritionist-Dietitian Professional (2020) and Ten Outstanding Leaders (2015) by the Nutritionist-Dietitians’ Association of the Philippines (NDAP), the Mario R. Nery Vocational Excellence Award in health education (2018) by the Rotary International 3780, the PAN Fellow Award for outstanding achievements in the field of nutrition promotion, education and advocacy. She received from the Philippine Association of Nutrition the American Culinary Federation medallion for exemplary leadership in culinary arts education and training. She was also given the Past Chair Recognition Award (2008) by the Council of Deans and Heads in Nutrition and Dietetics and the UP Home Economics Alumni Association Outstanding Professional Award. Her relentless dedication was also shown through her leadership in the Culinary Education Foundation as a member of the board of trustee, with the Rotary Club of Sto. Domingo Quezon City as a past-president and board director, with the NDAP as a member, and with the Philippine Society of Nutritionist-Dietitians and PAN as member and past president.

distinguished himself in the field of pharmacy, being a co-founder of Young Pharmacists Group – Philippines and Asian Young Pharmacist Group, the catalysts for the pharmacy sector in Philippines and across Asia. His associations mainstreamed academic models of inter-professional education and community-centered collaboration in pharmacy, drafting Philippine Practice Standards for Pharmacists (PhilPSP), while serving as a guide for five pharmacy practice areas in the country, also leadership in key public health initiatives in Philippines and countries in Asia and Oceania. His focus was on antimicrobial stewardship, good governance in medicine and pharmaceutical regulations, and for epitomizing a world class Filipino professional through his balanced excellence and service in education, research and public health. His professionalism and competence earned him various awards and recognition such as PFPA Excellence Award in Academe/Research and Development (2020), Ishidate Award (2018), AYPG Leadership Award (2018), Outstanding UP Pharmacy Alumnus in Public Health (2018) and Pharmacy Education (2015), Gawad Lourdes Echauz (2016), Outstanding UP Alumnus (2016), and The Outstanding Young Men (TOYM, 2015). As a member of Philippine Pharmacists Association, his relentless dedication came astride his outstanding career.

is a distinguished contributor in the field of Nursing. She displayed exemplar service, developing graduate and continuing education programs in nursing (particularly in geriatric nursing and disaster management), designing online courses and flexible learning in nursing and international health, setting up a national training program and mobilization of nurses in emergency/ disaster response, and establishing institutional linkages with national and international agencies on disaster management. Her research presentations and publications in nursing show her commitment and professionalism in her field. Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record earned her various awards and recognition such as the Bernd Rode Award (2015) given by the ASEAN European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET) for her research on “Data mining in Twitter during typhoon events in the Philippines,” Long Service Award (2018) from the Asia Pacific Emergency and Disaster Nursing Network (APEDNN), UP Scientist Award (2015-2020) for her scientific productivity, and International Nurse Award (2020) given by the University of the Philippines International Nursing and Healthcare Forum. As a member of the Philippine Nurses Association (PNA), the Gerontology Nurses Association of the Philippines, Inc (GNAP), and the Association of Deans of Philippine Colleges of Nursing (ADPCN), her relentless dedication is a testament to her outstanding career.

is distinguished for her contribution in the field of Optometry. She demonstrated exemplar service through her involvement in various community outreach programs, a resource speaker in optometry conferences sharing knowledge and expertise in optometry practice; as researcher on visual skills and refractive errors among schoolchildren; as co-author of Contact Lens Training Manual published in South Korea; as writer of articles on Ophthalmic lenses, Contact Lenses, and Eye Care; as consultant for Johnson and Johnson Vision Care, and Younger Optics Australia; as trainer for optometrists locally and internationally; and currently as Dean of the Centro Escolar University School of Optometry. She collaborated with industry partners on internship programs and modernization of optometry clinic facilities. ,Her competence earned her various awards and recognition, such as the Philippine Federation of Professional Associations Distinctive Awardee in the Field of Optometry, Educator of the Year, Educational Leadership Award by the World Education Congress, Fellow-International Service Award, Civitan Research Award, Civitan Ambassador of Goodwill. As a member of the Integrated Philippine Association, she has demonstrated leadership that marks her outstanding professionalism and remarkable career.

is distinguished in the field of Radiologic Technology through exemplar service in spearheading the campaign for the entry of graduates to work as radiologic technologists or radiographers in the UK of radiologic technology schools or universities. He highlighted recognition of graduates of schools of radiography or university in the Philippines to have an equal job opportunity in the UK during the early 2000. He persuaded non-practicing Filipino radiographers to return to practice by helping them through the “Return to Practice Program”. The Return to practice radiographers were retrained in some of the UK NHS hospitals. They worked as volunteer radiographers and were assessed and recommended to the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) upon completion of practical and theoretical examination conducted by the radiology department. They got their license or RA number when they passed and were able to practice radiography in the United Kingdom. He provided training, lectures and seminars to those return to practice radiographers, also coordinated with the Philippine Embassy in the UK while assisting Filipino radiographers who lost their jobs during the economic crisis in 2009, giving them visa assistance or visa extension through liaison with relevant agencies while they were looking for a new job. His track record earned him various awards such as Bronze Medal in Academic Excellence 1991 and Leadership Award in 1992 as a student radiographer. As a professional Radiographer, he received the Courage Medal for Valour and Selfless Dedication during the SARS pandemic in Singapore in 2003. He was nominated UK Radiographer of the year 2005. He was recipient of the COVID Medal from the National Health Service Award in 2020. Testament to his outstanding career is his leadership in professional organizations including the UK Society of Radiographers, Health Care Professions Council in the UK, and the Philippine Association of Radiologic Technologists.

distinguished himself in the field of Physical Therapy through his exemplar service as Chairman of the Department of Physical Therapy College of Rehabilitation Sciences - the University of Santo Tomas, Associate Editor of the Philippine Journal of Allied Health Sciences (PJAHS), World Health Organization (WHO) working group-member for Rehabilitation Package 2030, and former Vice President of Philippine Physical Therapy Association. His competence, excellence, and commendable track record earned him various awards and recognitions such as Special Citation 2015 given by the Professional Regulation Commission, University of Otago Doctoral Scholarship for Ph.D. in Physiotherapy in New Zealand, Mark Steptoe Research Grant, Outstanding Young Researcher given by Asian Confederation of Physical Therapy, Interns’ Choice of Best/ Outstanding Teacher (Applied Sciences), and Best Research Presenter during the National Convention of Philippine Physical Therapy Association (Impetus 2019). As a lifetime member of the Philippine Physical Therapy Association, Core Member of research Geriatric Special Interest Group, Osteoarthritis Research Society International, and Binangonan Community-Based Rehabilitation, his relentless dedication to these organizations is testimony to his outstanding career.

is a Dean in the College of Respiratory Therapy at the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA. She is distinguished for her contribution in the field of Respiratory Therapy. Her exemplar service is manifest by her providing leadership in the College of Respiratory Therapy of the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA, Las Piñas as DEAN. The BS Respiratory Therapy program has been granted Level 1 Accreditation status by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA) and has produced a number of topnotchers since 2013. She herself was the 8th placer in the 1st licensure examination for respiratory therapists in 2013. She produced a number of researches and has presented papers in research conferences both national and international. As Dean of the College, she has initiated and ensured the successful implementation of the community outreach programs through extension services provided to the adopted community as well as in Bureau of Corrections, providing free pulmonary function testing to inmates and seminars relevant to health and wellness, and participation in medical mission. Finally, she as well as her College has contributed immensely to the University’s quest for excellence with the grant of its “Autonomous” status from CHED and the ISO 9001:2015 certification from Bureau Veritas. Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned her various awards and recognition such as the Presidential Loyalty Award for 15 years of service by UPHSD in 2018, the Presidential Award in 2016, Most Outstanding Perpetualite in 2016. Finally, she received the Research Merit Award – Civic Development and Community Service Research in 2018. As a member of the Association for Respiratory Care Practitioners of the Philippines (ARCPP) and Philippine Society for RT Educators (PSRTE), her relentless dedication was manifested by her attendance and leadership during meetings, conferences in which she shared her expertise in the field of academics of Respiratory Therapy program as a treatment of outstanding human care.

displayed distinguished contribution in the field of Veterinary Medicine and exemplary service as a Professor/Researcher/Trainer of the College of Veterinary Science and Medicine at the Central Luzon State University. Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record earned her various awards and recognition such as the Philippine Veterinary Medical Association’s Distinguished Professional Service Award in 2019; National Finalist in the Search for Outstanding Teacher by the Metrobank Foundation; Outstanding Veterinarian in Education by the PVMA, VPAP, PSAS; Professorial Chair Awardee of the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture, The Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act Gold prize Awardee in the Best R&D Paper (years 2015 and 2019) by the DA-BAR, Outstanding Veterinarian in Research (UPCVM Alumni Association and VPAP) and a Patent and Utility Model Holder of developed test kit technologies from her international/nationally-funded researches. As a lifetime member of the PVMA and PSAS, a Fellow of the Philippine College of Veterinary Public Health and a Diplomate of the Philippine College of Swine Practitioners and Philippine College of Ruminant Practitioners, her relentless dedication to these organizations demonstrated a most outstanding career.

marked his distinguished contribution in the field of architectural design by demonstrating exemplary service in the profession with 28 years of experience as the founder and principal architect of ADGO Architecture and Design and Daniel C. Go Architecture Design. These two architectural firms have designed and completed more than 300 projects, that included some of the more iconic structures in the country such as the CCF Center in Pasig City, the largest auditorium type worship structure in the Philippines, the first LEED Gold certified office building in San Juan City called the BTTC Center, and the LEED Certified Brilliance Center in Bonifacio Global City. “Architectural Excellence is Our Passion” is the mission statement that drives him and his team of architects to produce the best and most innovative architectural designs. His competence, excellence and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as, being one of the youngest architect to be elevated to the UAP College of Fellows, one of the early registered APEC and ASEAN Architects of the Philippines, one of 65 Outstanding alumni of Grace Christian High School, Outstanding Professional Alumni Excellence Award of Jubilee Christian Academy, and Presidential Citation as Chairman, Marketing Group of the first UAP Conex in 2005. His commitment to mentoring his team of young architects to pursue the highest level of excellence and integrity has led them to have an advocacy against the use of unlicensed software. Architect Go has made a commitment to honor God by ensuring that all software programs used in his Architectural firms will always be licensed and original. He believes that it is his Godly responsibility to lead by example and be a role model for future architects to follow. As a member of the United Architects of the Philippines, Arch. Go has served as the national director for Professional Practice in 2010-2011. As member of the UAP Manila Metro Chapter, he also served as chapter director, VP Operations and Adviser for many years until the present day.

is a distinguished contributor in the field of Environmental Planning with his exemplar service in the profession. In the last 25 years, he actively pursued a lifelong advocacy and professional commitment as an active stakeholder in planning, informed decision-making, building local technical capacity, analytical strength and implementation of effectiveness of local communities and governments. He focused his work specially for marginalized and disadvantage sectors for climate and disaster resilience, sustainable local governance and inclusive development. Thus, he ‘bridged’ the gap between local/community issues and concerns with national policy decision-making and planning at the highest levels of policy-making in the country. He served as Undersecretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and Chief of Staff in the House of Representatives and Senate of the Philippines. Reaching out to the country’s regions, he mentored local officials, planners and communities in more than 500 LGUs in the country, including indigenous peoples and conflict-affected communities in Muslim Mindanao. His competence, excellence, and commendable track record earned him awards, such as the 2015 PRC Special Citation for Environmental Planning and the 1998 Outstanding Achievement -UP Kappa Epsilon Fraternity Alumni Association. He is a member of the College of Fellows, Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners, a Fellow of the Foundation for Economic Freedom, Research Fellow of the , Community-based Coastal Resource Management Center, University of the Philippines.

made her distinguished contribution in the field of Chemistry. Her exemplar service was delivered through significant contribution to the Chemistry of Alkaloids for her discovery of novel/new alkaloids of the Genus Pandanus. She also promoted networking and research collaboration of Filipino chemists with foreign experts through the organization of international conferences as President of the Philippine Federation of Chemistry Societies (PFCS) and Natural Products Society of the Philippines (NPSP). She mentored a Philippine delegation of high school students to the INTEL Science and Engineering Fair, and shared her technical services to the Commission on Higher Education, Department of Science and Technology, national and international peer-reviewed journals. Her competence and commendable track record earned her various awards and recognition such as Academician of the National Academy of Science and Technology, 2017 PFCS-Shimadzu Achievement Award for Chemical Research, 2016 Dr. Gregorio Y. Zara Award for Basic Science Research, 2006 National Research Council of the Philippines Achievement Award in Chemical Sciences. She was a former President PFCS and NPSP, and as member of the Integrated Chemists of the Philippines, Kapisanan Kimika sa Pilipinas, Organic Chemistry Teachers Association, Philippine-American Association of Science and Engineering, and the Phytochemical Society of Asia, demonstrating her lifelong outstanding career.

distinguished himself through contribution in the field of Forestry and exemplary service in his profession such as Senior Forester in BFD Region IV and Senior Forest Management Specialist in Forest Management Bureau. He was also a Community and Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Officer in various field Offices of DENR CALABARZON. He implemented various reforestation effort of the Department including the titling of agricultural lands, increasing revenue collections on foreshore leases and the conservation and management of protected areas. His competence, excellence and commendable track record earned him various awards and recognitions such as meritorious awards as CENRO and PENRO given UP college of Forestry, Environmental Award on Governance and Leadership Excellence (EAGLE) Award. The DENR recognized him as s most outstanding field implementer and Outstanding Regional Forester by Society of Filipino Foresters Inc. (SFFI). He served as one of the Advisers of SFFI Batangas, advocating the preferential hiring and promotion of Foresters in DENR CALABARZON.

is a University Professor and designated the Campus Director of the Cebu Technological University, San Francisco Campus from May 7, 2015 up to September 11, 2019. He was also designated previously as the Chairman of the Research and Development of the Cebu Technological, University, San Francisco, Cebu from 1987 up to May 6, 2015. He was former Director and founder of the Center of Limnological, Aquatic Biodiversity and Mariculture Studies (CLABMS) of the whole University in San Francisco, Campus, Cebu, also formerly designated Director and founder of the Cottage and Food Innovative Technologies Center (CFITC) and Center for Environmental Protection, Health and Safety Initiatives (CEPHASI) of the whole CTU System. He conducted researches on limnology, aquatic biodiversity fisheries, social sciences educational, tourism and technological researches and other related fields. He is a consultant of the recently conducted research on Household Survey of the Fisherfolks of Camotes Island, Cebu Philippines funded by Rare International. He has an approved research proposal on the Assessment of Mangroves and Seagrasses of Camotes Island Cebu funded by DOST to be implemented from September 1, 2020 to August 31,2022. He was a paper and poster presenter for local, regional, national and international fora. He was also speaker, moderator and session chair in varied conferences. As a member of scientific organizations, he garnered awards including 36th NAST, ASM, Best Poster awardee, 2nd best Poster (NRCPVC) last May 2017. Best Scientific Poster Award on during the International Conference on Technological and Social Innovations 2018 held at Park Lane Hotel Cebu, Philippines on September 12-14, 2018, Best Research Paper Award during the 2nd International Research Conference on Gender and Criminal Justice at the Cavite State University Indang, Cavite on June 7, 2018. .He was a 3rd prize Winner Scientific Poster Competition. during the 77th NRCP General Membership Assembly. He published papers in refereed journals and proceedings in the international, national and local journals. His published works were also cited by some scientists both international and national, including two assessment guides of Sea Cucumbers (Laboratory Guide of Holothurians in the Island. Municipalities of Cebu, Philippines and Field Guide of Holothurians in the Island Municipalities of Cebu, Philippines). Recently, he produced a manual on off bottom culture of Caulerpa lentillefera in plastic cages. In the year 2016, he was awarded one of the Outstanding Faculty of Cebu Technological University. Overall, his fields are on Fisheries, Educational Management Marine Biology and Technology Management. He was recently awarded the certificate as Certified Tourism Professional and membership in the Royal Institutions of Singapore, while becoming a grantee as a Scientist under RA 8439.

is a distinguished contributor in the field of Geology. Her exemplar service to the profession is shown by her unflagging commitment to the moulding young minds in the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. Geology programs as a Professor at the National Institute of Geological Sciences, University of the Philippines, Diliman for more than 20 years. She conducted relevant research contributing to geologic knowledge of the Philippines and its surrounding waters. She also established the NIGS-UPGAA Geology Museum which to date has been visited by and benefited thousands of students. While promoting the earth sciences and awareness of climate change to the public, she is a sought after resource person and speaker on various topics in the Physical Sciences. She is concurrently serving as a university faculty administrator for academic affairs in various capacities. She also served as an officer of various geology-related organizations, including the Geological Society of the Philippines, the International Nannoplankton Association, the Paleontological Society of the Philippines, and the U.P. Geology Alumni Association. She received various awards, including The Outstanding Women in the Nation’s Service (TOWNS), One UP Professorial Chair, UPD Centennial Faculty Grant, and the DOST Balik Scientist Award in recognition of her professional excellence and dedicated service to the country.